fatnomore.net                Recipes & Tips for Michael Thurmond's 6 Week Body Makeover Program  

Creative Cooking & Recipes  

128 Family friendly recipes for    
Michael Thurmond's 6 Week Body    
Makeover Weight Loss Program    

Now you can use the recipes in    
this cookbook to lose up to 34    
pounds in 6 weeks just like I did    

Click here to read my story    

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··· Tips, Tools & Guides  ···





······ My Story ······

Read my story and why I felt this cookbook would make it easier for others to lose weight on the 6 Week Body Makeover.


······ My Story ······

Hi, my name is Cheryle and I am a body-type A. I lost 34 pounds during the six weeks I was on the 6 Week Body Makeover.

I was looking for a weight loss plan where I wouldn't have to reinvent the wheel; I just wanted something that worked. I decided on the 6 Week Body Makeover program and set about working out an eating plan for my body type.

Then I thought, "Why don't I put these recipes into a cookbook so others didn't have to waste their time doing the same thing I already did."

So I wrote this cookbook, Creative Cooking & Recipes, which is a cookbook full of recipes, tips and tools just for use with Michael Thurmond's 6 Week Body Makeover weight-loss program. You can learn more about the cookbook here. And I can tell you this, when you use Creative Cooking & Recipes, there will be no more guesswork and no more of your time wasted trying to calculate portions or serving sizes.

I have learned through years of trying to lose weight that it's nearly impossible to stick to a program for very long if the food isn't appetizing. Sure, you can do it for a week or two. But then what? Will you start to cheat here and there? I found this program much easier to stick to when I could eat food that tasted good and was more like the real meals I was used to eating.

I have been overweight all my life. The 6 Week Body Makeover is the first weight loss program that literally melted the fat off my body. The results were amazing and I heartily endorse it.

34 pounds gone in 42 days! I couldn't be more pleased with how this plan worked out for me. I hope you will consider it and take the first step toward weight loss that is real, measurable and just plain works.


······ Free Recipes ······

Try 3 recipes from the cookbook absolutely free:

Chicken in Green Sauce Chicken cooked in a homemade green tomatillo sauce. Delicioso!

Chicken with Paprika and Potatoes An all-in-one meal. What could be easier?

Crispy Potato Slices This recipe satisfies my craving for fried potatoes. I love potatoes!

Plus get your free bonus of 30 summer lemonade recipes.

······ We Recommend ······


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