fatnomore.net                Recipes & Tips for Michael Thurmond's 6 Week Body Makeover Program  

Creative Cooking & Recipes  

128 Family friendly recipes for    
Michael Thurmond's 6 Week Body    
Makeover Weight Loss Program    

Now you can use the recipes in    
this cookbook to lose up to 34    
pounds in 6 weeks just like I did    

Click here to read my story    

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··· Tips, Tools & Guides  ···





······ My Story ······

Read my story and why I felt this cookbook would make it easier for others to lose weight on the 6 Week Body Makeover.


······ Hints and Tips for the 6WBMO ······
  • Foods are measured AFTER cooking on the 6WBMO.

  • 1/4 cup uncooked oatmeal equals 1/2 cup carb serving when cooked.

  • Become familiar with your body-type.

  • At mealtime, ease hunger by filling up on greens and other free foods.

  • Use non-stick cookware.

  • Steam your vegetables if you're not eating them raw. An electric steamer is a great appliance to have in the kitchen. Most of them cook rice as well.

  • Sauté foods in water, broth or wine.

  • Don't forget to drink 100 ounces of water daily. Look here for an easy way to keep track of your water intake.

  • For the best success, measure your foods.

  • One egg white = 1 oz protein A

  • 1/4 cup Eggbeaters® = 2 oz protein A or 2 egg whites

  • Medium chicken breast is about the size of the palm of your hand (4 oz)

  • Medium apple, pear, banana = 1 cup

  • Small apple, pear, banana = 1/2 cup

  • Medium potato, sweet potato = 1 cup

  • Small potato, sweet potato = 1/2 cup


······ Free Recipes ······

Try 3 recipes from the cookbook absolutely free:

Chicken in Green Sauce Chicken cooked in a homemade green tomatillo sauce. Delicioso!

Chicken with Paprika and Potatoes An all-in-one meal. What could be easier?

Crispy Potato Slices This recipe satisfies my craving for fried potatoes. I love potatoes!

Plus get your free bonus of 30 summer lemonade recipes.

······ We Recommend ······


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